Presentation of “Listening as act of response-ability” at the IV Interactive Film & Media Virtual Conference organised by IFM Lab: Interactive Film and Media Research Network of the Toronto Metropolitan University.
The video presentations, research-creations, and workshops featured at the IV Interactive Film & Media Virtual Conference from June 8 to 10, 2022 are accessible in a special issue of the Interactive Film & Media Journal.
May 2022: Online Symposium – Dismantling the Body
Presentation of the paper “Towards an Awareness of Interferential Reverberations” at the two-day virtual symposium Dismantling the Body: Possibilities and Limitations in Art Making on May 18–19, 2022 organized by he Graduate Students of Art History (GSAH) of the University of Washington.
The symposium aimed to bring together scholars and artists to explore the interactions between body and place, the production of bodily knowledge, the regulation of the body, and its agency.
September 2021: TaPRA conference
The annual Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) conference was held online & Co-Hosted by Liverpool Hope University between 6-10 Sept 2021. Having been invited by the Working Group on ‘Bodies in Motion: Margins, Intersections, and Vulnerability’to the panel (Unwanted) Motions, and stillness against permeable entities I presented my paper “Movement as a form of knowledge – unlearning the prevalent by realising patterns of interference”. The conference provided an exciting and really rich experience and learning source.
October 2020
Posthumanism 20/20
The 2-day conference at the Aarhus University (Denmark) exploring the current landscape of research on posthumanism just finished yesterday. While I was only able to participate online it was a great pleasure to be part of this event full of highly interesting contributions.
The age of human exceptionalism is over. The Enlightenment human, Descartes’ autonomous Res Cogitans and Da Vincis Vitruvian Man, is gone. We have awoken to a world where humanity is not at the center of the universe. Where our relation to the world around us is not one of subject relating to an external object, but rather of intricate interconnection.
Posthumanism 20/20 takes stock of this strange new world with researchers from a diverse field of disciplines presenting their work, and few stones remain unturned, as the many different perspectives on posthumanism are explored – with research ranging from international relations to literature.
Find the full program here. I also was told that the talks will be made available later this month.
June 2020
Due to Covid19 impact this year’s CREAM summer symposium was presented online only. Presenting via zoom was a new and unique experience reminding me what I am missing out on under our current ongoing Covid restrictions. However also making positive experience and being in touch via the virtual ends is at least one way of reaching out. My presentation was titled “Towards an after image of the afterimage of Agency”.